Thursday 21 January 2010

Smell of spring lo

I adore Prima goodies- after all I even can do a vintage with these ones.
But this new lo isn't a vintage at all - but very bright and sunny with this smell of spring..
I did it for Prima January Bap- the sketch actually had 10 photos, I decided to reduce it to 6 - but all the rest is very " scripted".
And as it is for Prima gallery the supply list is... You know? PRIMA likes Prima, so let it be Prima.
I used 1 ppaper,as a base and did this misting around precut for this purpuse only circles.Then I added this printed transparency all over it .
The inner tag was cut from Prima journaling pad and then I used this fabric tag too, added lots of flowers , blings, pearls and 2 kinds of letters- the chipboard one was painted with pink and green mists.The inner rectangle is from this same transparency packaging- great one to reuse.
The only non Prima items are this " Don't pick the flowers" brad from Eyelet outlet and the green wire ,home made by me ,springs.
And it's good for some challenges too:
The inspiration for ARTASTIC January challenge
My favorite smell for My favorite things
My favorite season for Butterfly crafts (I was born in Spring- so for me this one is favorite)


  1. WOW you did a lot of challenges in 1 LO, very clever!!! I love it, love the misting and the Prima flowers!! And I wold love to smell some spring now!!!
    Thanks for playing with us at TAAFOMFT!!!

  2. This is gorgeous!Love the misting,all the colors and those flowers!I want spring too ;)
    Thank you so much for joining us at TAAFOMFT!

  3. Love your layout and how you worked so many challenges into one LO. I'll have to check out the Prima BAP. thanks so much for sharing your layout with us at TAAFOMFT.

  4. Love your layout, it is gorgeous! I especially love the colors and prima goodness!! Thanks for playing with us over at Fave THings!! Love, Jess

  5. wowwwwwwwwwwww!!! This is GORGEOUS Irit!! loveeeeeeeeeee the photos and the flowers!!! Thanks sooooooooooooooo much for playing along with FAVE THINGS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


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