Sunday 17 January 2010


This lo was made for US # 38 Dt work with the sketch- and I used this great photo of Ny city I took from my sister's window and this is about this window being the best photo spot in Ny -
also it is in Brooklyn....
And here is my journaling:
This is what I can see from my sister's window in Brooklyn
This is my Ny- my love, my addiction, my sin..
Twice a year I spend lots of $$$ to go there from Israel and to smell NY.
It was fast and easy lo as I was over the deadline for posting it for the challenge , so not many techniques etc.
This was very "unscripted " take of this week's challenge- but I decided to do it and to drop this card easy thing with this one.

1 comment:

  1. Great scrapbooking. Love it. Went to NY for the first time last year and visited Brooklyn. Love the brownstones and NY is fab, can see why you love it. Marianne x


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