Friday 18 December 2009

New blog awards

I got 2 new awards from POLINA
and now I need to pass it to 7 other blogs and to post 7 special facts about myself here.
So here are the girls I pass these awards :
If you take these badges and post them in your blog you need to do just the same:
to link it to my blog in your post
to give us 7 facts about yourself
to pass it to 7 others girls with links to their blogs
And now some facts about me:
1. I was born and raised in Russia and I still speak, read and write this language
2. I am an addicted folk and ball dancer and I dance about 12-15 hours a weeks with my DH or without
3. I was playing piano for 13 years and stopped when I was 18
4. I can't stand high heels and I am a kind of " shorty"- but still...
5. I hate reality TV and love good drama movies
6. I hate water (unless it is in the bathroom- but not a pool/ sea/ ocean) and I don't sweam
7. I don't sleep (but 2-3 hours a day)- that it the reason for my creativity- I just have extra hours for it when anyone else sleeps.


  1. עירית, עכשיו אני מבונה איך את מספיקה כל כך הרבה!!!!!
    תודה רבה רבה!

  2. חידשת לי כמה דברים שלא ידעתי עליך,נחמד !ץ
    ותודה רבה !ץ
    ד"א איך "לוקחים"את
    ה badges?

  3. עירית המון המון תודה :)
    וחוסר בשעות השינה בהחלט מסביר את ההספקים המטורפים שלך!!!


Would love to read your kind comments