Tuesday 22 December 2009

My guilty pleasure lo

I have lots of these guilty pleasures- like dancing all my spare time, smoking (bad and I know it), drinking a lot of coffee, shoping craft products ( as all of us, don't we?)- but the most significant is to spend every single extra $$ I have for my overseas trips. I just need to go anywhere 3-4 time a year ...
So I did this no photo lo about this guilt of mine with this ABC list of places I visited and the question about the next one.
China it is - not on this lo yet- very fast decision to go there for this last minute winter price ( it's very cold there- but for this price I can stand it for sure)
So this lo was made for some challenges too:
2.A la carte- recipe challenge- red- white- black, list, book paper.
3. Not a card- for ALL SORTS
4. No photo lo- for LOTUS PAPERIE
5. Distressing- for Frosted designs
6. Buttons- for Design dollies- I added 11 smallest buttons on the balck frill


Anonymous said...

Very cute! Love your buttony touch! Thanks for playing along with us Design Dollies!

Debs said...

Lovely LO thanks for sharing it with us at Allsorts this week.
Take care
Debs xx

Linda W said...

Wow , i love your lo its so fantastic. Like your cool style...its very effectful wiht black, red and withe..
I also like to travel its wonderful.
Happy christmas.....

Unknown said...

Wow... I'd love to see your bucket list... amazing! I hope you get to go to all the places you dream.

Anonymous said...

love your LO its a great blog too :)

Leah l'Orange said...

love all the linear elements and those teeny buttons are fabulous! thanks for playing with the Design Dollies, Irit! :)

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