Sunday 13 December 2009

I got a new award!!

I received an email from Monica She gave me an over the top blogger award! I am so happy.
Thank you Monica- it is so sweet of you!
Don't forget to visit Monica's blog and see her great works!
Here are the rules I have to follow to accept this award:
Answer the following questions using single word answers. Then pass the award to 5 other people. Me? One word? This is a challenge for sure!!
Your cell phone? broken
Your hair? colored
Your mother? lady
Your father? genius
Favorite food? bread
Your dream last night? bad
Your favorite drink? coffee
Your dream/goal? grandchildren
What room are you in? craft
Your hobby? dancing
Your fear?cancer
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Australia
Where were you last night? friends
Something you aren't? Fat
Muffins? no
Wish list item? car
Where did you grow up? Russia
Last thing you did? laundry
What are you wearing? pj's
Your TV? old
Your pets? cat
Friends? some
Your mood? blue
Missing someone? no
Vehicle? Fiat
Something you're not wearing? bikini
Your favorite store? Marshalls
Your favorite color? black
When was the last time you laughed? yesterday
Last time you cried? yesterday
Your best friend? funny
One place that you go to over and over? stairs
Face book? hate
Favorite place to eat?Home
The five wonderful bloggers whom I have chosen to pass this on to:
Anat S
Anat B

Iafit G
If you have visited my blog and made it all the way down to reading this sentence, then this blogger award is for you too! Grab it for you and pass it on!


  1. היי עירית
    כל הכבוד על כל הערכה שהיצירה שלך מקבלת את אכן ראוייה לכך ויוצרת בסגנון יחודי ומקסים. ושמה את ישראל על מפת הסקרפריות המובילות.
    תודה על הפרגון

  2. עירית,
    תודה רבה רבה על הפירגון.
    מתה על התשובות המקוריות שלך!!!!!!!!


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