Monday 16 November 2009

Just a quick summary for my last weeks..

I was really busy in 2-3 last weeks so I decided to do this summary for me to remember how busy I was.. (lol)
That's what I did let's say from the end of October till now:
Made 3 new DT - still only challenge blogs-
I am afraid to try the kits or manufacturers- but it will come.
The 3 are " Treasures from the scraps" ," Sketches: creatively yours" and SPCC
and I finished all my DT jobs for November on first 2 and on all other DTs I am in.
Than I am participating in some australian 6 rounds contest- with 45 girls at the first round we are now 11 at 5 th- and I have some creativity block with this item I need to do- and I have 1.5 more days to enter and it's ugly..
Try not to be with toilet paper rolls and clips in the list and to be creative (not flat mini book we all did with these rolls)
Than in STUDIO 101 it was some huge!!!! charity weekend crop- we donated some $$$ for clean water case and had 25 challenges to do in 3 days-
the winnings are random, but you get points for being first and I did 6 firsts of 25.
I didn't like this stress of doing lo in 30-40 minutes- so all of these " firsts"
I am not so pleased with, I really like about 5-6 los I did- all others will be redone(it needs polishing- stitching, rubons, doodlings, more embels- I didn't get time to do it and Sunday is a working day in ISRAEL, also I am at home Mondays ,but work on Sunday)
Updated 11/17: I am a runner up in this competition - actually I am always
" a runner up"- lol!! - but I still will get some prize.
And for my " luck"- it was 25 random drawings too - some girls got 3-4 prizes-
I didn't get any- but...
For overall # of los done and being first ( horray to time lag only- I was first when they were sleeping!!!)-I actually will get some RAK as a runner up.
Then I have this lo of mine to be published in Scrapbooking . com next issue and I had to do good article- products, how to..Another hard job- English is my third language after Russian and Hebrew.
I have another item coming as Scrap n' arts as they decided to make me their
Artist of the month in January issue- and it means 5!! new and great los to do and articles about , big tutorial by me (I NEED TO DO IT!! I NEED) and an interview and all of this till 12/1. I did these 5 los- they said it's fine so now for other things and fast.
But still I did some challenges and even won some- not randomly:
MY ANGELS lo won the Crafty sketches October challenge and was TOP 3 at
Sophisti- cat challenge for wings
BLACK &WHITE ME won (there are 3 winners with no places) October challenge on Black with 2 challenge blog
NY MY LOVE was one of 3 winners on " My favorite things" blog for favorite vacation place.
Fall mini album was one of 4 winners on Creatalicios October challenge
PURIM lo was in Top 5 at Hope stamps eternal challenge blog
I also won 1-2 randoms - one was for my FALL lo at Getting creative with ANN
- I won there once and the RAK was outstanding- thanks ANN!!
So as you can see I was really busy- I even dropped my folk dancing sessions to 2 a week- once it was 4!!
Thanks for reading and see u soon with some of my new works from this crop weekend.

1 comment:

  1. בקיצור נמלה עמלה, כל הכבוד על ההספק


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