Wednesday 18 November 2009

I am a diva!!!

I did another new DT and now I am officially a DIVA!!
Here is an official post from SPCC blog
So glad to do color combos as I mostly do sketches on my other DT jobs and
I an so glad Samanta asked me to join her great DT.
Hope to be good!!
So you are all invited for this SPCC color challenges and this week this is lovely
combo to do. You can do any project you want- cards, lo, altered- up to you-
just join us and have fun!!


  1. Congrats! You are a diva and it looks like a fun gig!

  2. Hi Irit,
    I popped by yesterday to say hello, but you hadn't posted your exciting news yet! Congrats! Looking forward to working with you at SPCC.

  3. מזל טוב- העבודות שלך מדהימות וברמה עולמית- את בהחלט דיוה

  4. ברכות לבחירה הצבעונית :o))


Would love to read your kind comments