Tuesday 20 October 2009


This lo was DT FAVE on Sketchy thursdays sketch challenge- thanks!!
This lo was made for my childhood album and specially for Scrapfit #6 workout- B&W photo and paper, Memories and distressing(all my love in one challenge!! )
Than I used sketchy thursdays sketch too.
And blings- for Stamp something
Combo cahllenge for Gingersnaps
I did some kind of distressing arounsd and on the top of this lo, added 3d glue on the pp flowers for dimention,used some vintage music paper(thanks MIMI),
MM bling title, my signiture die cut butterfly (adore this die cut) and made some hand writing on the edge with white pen


  1. Goodness you've been busy this week! Thanks again for playing along with us at Stamp Something this week.
    Jenni x

  2. וואו, אכן יצא דף מדהים
    כל כך מוחד עם צבע אחד לגווניו
    אהבתי את הג'ורנלינג שעשית לאורך הצד הימני של הדף

  3. stunning!! I love the monochrome look! and this is so perfectly shabby chic!! gorgeous!

  4. Such a beautiful lo! I really love the distressing you did here. Thanks for playing along with the scrapfit girls.

  5. This is absolutely beautiful!!! Thanks for playing along with us!

    Heidi - Sketchy Thursdays

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Great use of the black, white and silver combo! I totally love your layout and your use of bling and chipboard! Beautiful! Thanks for playing the Gingersnap Creations Blue Moon Combo Challenge!

  8. Love your lo! Awesome entry! Hugs Pia


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