Thursday 8 October 2009


This lo was be published in February issue of SNR magazine
This lo did TOP 5 at Color combos challenge- thanks!!
Scrap the girls have this interview challenge- I have my addicted to shopping 23 years old girl at home - so it was perfect to intrveiw her in some funny kind of..
And here is my journaling- PLEASE READ IT- IT'S THE BEST PART OF THIS LO!!Hello! My name is Nitzan and I am addicted to shopping 23 years old student
q:What's your favorite color?
a: green($$$)
q: What's your favorite season?
a: Sale season
q: Do you collect something?
a: Victoria secret's bra
q: What's your favorite place?
a: The mall- any mall
q:What's your favorite place in NEW YORK?
a: Macy's- Macy's- Macy's
q:What do you do when you are sad?
a: Shopping
q: What do you do when you are happy?
a: Shopping
q: And in between?
a: Shopping!!!
We love you Nitzan!! (shoppers anonimous)
The colors of the photo were perfect for GRAFIX 45 fashion die cuts I have and perfect for Color combo this week's challenge
The products here are:
Adornit pp, Sassafras pp, Grafix 45 die cuts,Hanna stamps, Prima ribbon,
MM cork letters, some misc yarns and ribbons too, some Dress it up buttons and shapes and real outfit tags!!
The techniques:
stamping with Memento ink, " stithing" with white pen, painting with Ranger
dabbers, using EK border punch for journaling spot , distressing


  1. Spectacular Irit! What a fun way to catch your daughter's "hobby" should I say. This will be even funnier years from now when she maybe doesn't have this hobby any longer.LOL

  2. Wow! Great job.

    Emily-SP Diva

  3. עיצוב מדהים, הוצאתי את העיינים כדי לקרוא את הראיון וכל זה לפני שגללתי למטה וראיתי שהדפסת אותו בגוף הרשומה.
    מאד הומוריסטי וכנראה שגם מציאותי אבל ככה זה עם בנות !!

  4. דף נהדר.
    איזה רעיון נפלא לגורנלינג.
    מקסים ומלא הומור

  5. I just love this cute LO! I love the large journaling area and the handwritten journaling. What a special memento this will be someday!

  6. Great second layout for us at SPCC!!

  7. I absolutely love this layout!! So bold!

    Heidi - SP Diva

  8. Wow I LOVE all of your accents!
    SPCC Creator


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