Friday 2 October 2009

This week was good too!!

I was featuted 5 TIMES at Card of the week. com- Best in scrapbooking blogoshpere for my WISHES lo- Cell wins LO - B&W lo and Daddy's darling LO-and Natural made beauty lo and My royal nephews lo- THANKS!!
I was choosen as a winner of woodgrain rumble at Cottage studio challenge-
I think it's random- but Iam not sure- anyway it's good I checked it at all as it was long time ago- thanks!! And here is a RAK too- finally I'll get some goodies- thanks!
I was choosen as one on top 5 at HOPE STAMPS ETERNAL color inspiratioanal challenge (3 rd time in september) with my Fly lo
I won the EASY BREEZY KEWL color challenge with my ME AND MY BIG DUMMY LO - THANKS!!
And finally the best of all: I was asked to join "IF THE SHOE FITS.. SCRAP IT" design team - and gladly did it!
It's great challenge blog- very colorful too and the challenges are so inspirating for me (I hope for all of you)
I posted my DT take for AD this dt and for IF THE SHOE FITS dt is posted today.
And my first DT take for SIC was posted yesterday too.
Finally at UNSCRIPTED SKETCHES we have great blog hop there for the WOLD CARDMAKING DAY AT 10/3- so come and hop- you can win lots of goodies too !!
And now my friend susARTe told me I won some RAK at her blog too-
great week actually!! Suz- thanks!! I am so glad we are now on 2 DT together!!
And again- check my great blog candy on the top rightside bar- you still have time to enter and to win!!


  1. I will be sure to visit your blog tomorrow.
    There is a little something for you on my blog. I am also sending you an email so you can email me your add for a little prize to be posted to you :)

  2. Huge hugs! So glad to have you at the Shoe! Your royal nephews LO...FANTABULOUS!


  3. כל הכבוד לך על השבוע העמוס והמוצלח !
    "היא משלנו" !!


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