Saturday 17 October 2009

PINK BEAUTY- Unscripted sketches DT take10/17

This lo was made for Unscripted sketches #27 sketch- and this month is " pink"- for breast cancer cause- so here is my tribute to " pink" color- mostly our nature tribute.
I used TIM HOLTZ mask for misting (the nature music + the bird), used some printed transparency, Prima flower, Bg journaling spot and some really old alphas and the dotted matting is pure recycling from prima packaging.

AND some challenges too:
Unique mat- my recycled Prima packaging- for Creativity with the twist
Pink- for Candy shoppers
Clear acetate- on the photo and embossed- for Daring cardmakers


אילנית said...

וואוו עירית, הדף הזה משגע
אני מתחילה להתאהב בכל הקטע הזה של המסיכות וההתזות.

אחד הדפים היפים שראיתי

Caryl P said...

A beautiful job on this one, Irit. I love that you made a page purely as a tribute to breast cancer awareness. The flower is a beautiful pic and all the elements come together wonderfully.

Juls said...

just gorgeous! Love the collage feel, and Love the bird image!

Sarah said...

You are an amazing artist Irit! This is stunning.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous card! I'm always so inspired by your creations and am honored to be serving on a DT with you. I agree with Sarah, you're an amazing artist!

BrendaB said...

Just beautiful! I love the masking!

Rosemary said...

What a lovely and perfect card - the masking is a great touch and the sentiment regarding beauty and nature is great.

Scrappy Kind Of Girl said...

Love how you used the recycled packaging, and that mask is too cool! :)

Ayelet {Jenny} said...

So pretty Irit, as always :-)
Will be trying for a pink one myself sometime this week. Was great meeting you in person :-) x

Anonymous said...

Love the musical notes, really amazing. Thanks for playing along with C.S.D!

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